Online Resources

This page is a collection of Biblical, theological, and devotional sources available free online for people who desire a deeper understanding of what it means to be a Biblical Historical (also know as Lutheran) Christian. The goal is not to be encyclopedic, but to provide enough material that the uninitiated can come to a full knowledge of the God revealed to His creation in the Bible. If you have any suggestions for websites or full text books available online, please e-mail them to the Church Office


Bible Gateway. A searchable collection of most every major English translation as well as translations in other languages. If you are looking for a translation that is close to the original language, use the New American Standard Bible. The English Standard Version is best if you are looking for a translation that stays true to the text, but is more readable and preserves the poetic.

Bible Reading Plan. Read the bible in 365 days using this simple plan from Bible Gateway.

Daily Devotional

Five Minutes Daily With Luther. A pdf file that contains a daily devotional with a scripture passage, passage from Luther, and application.

Lutheran Hour Daily Devotional. The classic Lutheran devotion in the United States. Subscribe and get a daily devotional that proclaims Christ for your daily life.


Issues, Etc. Rev. Todd Wilken interviews Christians of all varieties to help spread the light of Cross centered theology through “Christ Centered Cross Focused Talk Radio”

Steadfast Lutherans A site that defends and promotes Confessional Lutheranism and its media. There is a very active group of commenters and sometimes discussions get a little heated, but there are wonderful answers to tough questions throughout the posts.

Church Fathers

Writings of the Church Fathers. A comprehensive collection of the writings of the Ante-Nicene and Post-Nicene theologians. Yes, they are all in English



Book of Concord

Book of Concord reading plan
