Volunteer Leadership

Our Leadership Team at Trinity is made up of the Pastor and the members of Church Council. They work together to ensure that God’s work is done through the people of Trinity.

The Church Council consists of the Officers and the Directors of the boards.  Each board is made up of volunteers from the church who are passionate about carrying out God’s ministry at Trinity.

Below is a listing of the individuals who currently hold office and a short description of how they serve. If you have an area that you would like to serve within our fellowship, please contact the person listed below.

Officers of the Congregation

President - Elizabeth Baroody                                                                                                                                                      The President shall preside over the affairs of the congregation, ensuring adherence to the Constitution and By-Laws, and ensure that the expressed will of the congregation as embodied in the resolutions of the Voting Membership is fulfilled.                                                                                                                                                              

Vice President – Zach Kuenzli                                                                                                                                                          In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall serve in his stead; supervise all Boards; review reports from these Boards and keep the President informed if deemed necessary.

Recording Secretary – Anne Starke                                                                                                                                            The Recording Secretary shall serve as Recording Officer of the congregation, Voters’ Assembly, and Church Council, as well as Planning Board meetings; and is custodian of their records, except those assigned to others, such as the Treasurer’s records.

Treasurer – Dave Petri 
The Treasurer shall be custodian of all congregational funds and financial assets and shall be the principal advisor regarding all financial matters. In addition, the Treasurer oversee the Bookkeeper (currently John Knickelbein) in the execution of all accounting functions and financial reports. 

First Trustee (Director of Church Properties) - Gerald Harger
The Trustee together with other officers of the congregation shall be authorized to sign official documents and contracts that have been negotiated and approved by the Voters’ Assembly. He serves as the Legal Trustee of the congregation.

Directors of Boards

Board of Worship – Janice Gwin 
The purpose of the Board is to plan and supervise all activities pertaining to congregational worship.

Board of Deacons – Sharyn Leiding 
The purpose of the Board shall be to assist the Pastor on all matters pertaining to the spiritual welfare of the congregation. The Board shall see that all members shall make faithful use of the means of grace, continue steadfast in the confession of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, conform their lives to the rule of the Word of God, and shall assist in the exercise of brotherly admonition and church discipline, keeping all matters of a private nature strictly confidential.

Board of Christian Growth – Natalie Doebler
The Board shall be responsible for planning, administering and supervising the total educational program of the Sunday school, Bible Study classes and periodic programs to advance the teaching of the Christian faith in general and of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in particular.

Board of Stewardship - David Chadwick
The purpose of the Board of Stewardship is to help members of the congregation grow as faithful stewards of Jesus Christ as they carry out His mission and ministry in their personal lives and corporately through the congregation, Circuit, District and Synod. The Board will also promote understanding and appreciation among members of the congregation of opportunities for worldwide mission and ministry through Synod and other agencies, and encourage their support.

Board of Special Ministries – Patty Malone 
The basic purpose of the Board is the concern of the church for human needs. This includes the work of the church through various channels and the general integration of the congregation’s work into the community in response to special human needs. Special efforts are made to identify mission work outside the community and look for special ways to engage people in fellowship and mission.

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) – Sharon Knorr
The LWML is open to all women involved at Trinity with a mission for outreach and spiritual growth.

Board of Church Properties - Gerald Harger                                                                                                                            The basic purposes of the Board are the proper planning for maintenance and repair of church property and the general protection of the congregation against loss or damage of whatever nature.
