Welcome to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Norfolk!

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a family friendly liturgical Lutheran church in the heart of Hampton Roads that proclaims Christ to the Hampton Roads community and equips people to grow in faith.  We are located just minutes from the Naval Base, Old Dominion University and Downtown Norfolk.


Please join us on Sunday Mornings 

for Sunday School at 9:00 a.m. and Worship Service at 10:00 a.m.


We are a part of the Southeastern District (SED) of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) which is a regional district of the LCMS with 213 congregations and 87 school ministries. To learn more about the LCMS, please click on the cross above.  

Our Mission Statement
Until he returns, Christ has commanded us to make disciples and make them stronger through Word and Sacrament. 
 Matthew 28:19-20

Services are streamed on Trinity's YouTube Channel:  


 Follow us on social media:
